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...Robin with the Pommel Champ...
I wrote my first book when I was four
I haven't stopped writing since
After ten years on Wall Street, I hosted for Moms Online, wrote weekly columns and managed
site content. My award winning article, "Giftedness and Ostracism" appeared on and Many of my columns
have been featured in parenting newsletters around the country.
In 2006 I joined Romance Writers of America to parlay my love of writing into a fiction career.
With my older two kids gainfully employed, my youngest in college, and a husband willing to do his own laundry, I finally
have time to reach for my dreams.
No matter how demanding my new career has become, I devote time to an activity important to me: volunteering. I've coached
baseball and soccer, volunteered in the classroom and am a board member of booster clubs supporting children's arts organizations.
I read The Lord of the Rings when I was twelve and fell in love with the world of fantasy.
I wanted more romance and intimacy in fully developed fantasy worlds, so I began writing my own stories. Here's my article
on the paucity of romance in speculative fiction:
Searching for the Romance in Speculative Fiction
Although my first completed action/adventure/urban fantasy romance sold to Tiger Publications, with their demise, "The
Curse of the Dragon's Spell" will be looking for a new home.
The Curse of the Dragon's Spell
 Contest Finals!
The Curse of the Dragon's Spell
finaled in 6 Contests
The Marlene 2007 ... Fourth Place
The Rebecca 2007 ... Third Place
Chase the Dream 2007 ... Second Place
Romancing the Tome 2007 ... Third Place
Heartbeat Chapter Contest 2007 ... Third Place
Linda Howard 2009 ... Fourth Place
 Contest Finals!

Who's Your Inner Dragon?

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My Inner Dragon is Gold, the third rarest and most honorable of all the dragons. Golds live by a strict code of chivalry and
commitment. My appearance is fearsome and all-mighty but I'd never stoop so low as to bring any harm to a human.
I'm one of only two dragon types aligned "Lawful Good" and proficient in the use of magic and spells. My piety,
beauty, wisdom, and inner strength are absolutely without parallel.
Being a Gold Dragon isn't all high ethics and codes. I like to fly around scaring things, advise humans in their affairs,
and love to shapeshift.
My favorable attributes are honor, chivalry, truth, kindness, gold, mining, protection, wisdom, bravery, and trustworthiness.
I might be a bit too trusting of humans at times, but they're just kids compared to me. If anyone threatens my humans or tries
to kill me, I could strike back with your breath weapon - Fire. But then, no one's tried anything that stupid in the last
couple thousand years. After all, I'm about 54 feet long.