The Curse of the Dragon's Spell
I read The Lord of the Rings when I was twelve and fell in love with the world of fantasy.
I wanted more romance and intimacy in fully developed fantasy worlds, so I began writing my own stories. Here's my article
on the paucity of romance in speculative fiction:
Searching for the Romance in Speculative Fiction
Although my first completed action/adventure/urban fantasy romance sold to Tiger Publications, with their demise, "The
Curse of the Dragon's Spell" will be looking for a new home.
 Contest Finals!
The Curse of the Dragon's Spell
finaled in 5 Contests
The Marlene 2007
The Rebecca 2007
Chase the Dream 2007
Romancing the Tome 2007
Heartbeat RWA Chapter Contest 2007
 Contest Finals!
Friend me on MySpace and see what I'm writing!
Robin Haseltine's MySpace Page